• Current ongoing projects.


    • Investigation of atmospheric energy cascading over high-resolution urban environments to improve severe weather predictions and urban planning.

    RIKEN Incentive Grant 2023-25 (PI: Dr Rahul Bale ; Co-PI: Dr. Konduru Rakesh Teja)

    • Revolutionizing Seamless Precipitation Forecast: Machine Learning-Driven Assimilation of Satellite Precipitation Observations in NICAM-LETKF for Powering Global Diurnal and Heavy Rainfall Predictions

    Kakenhi Grant-in-Aid for Early Career Researcher 2024-27 (Wakate; PI: Dr. Konduru Rakesh Teja)

    Link: Kaken project page

    • Benefits of the frequent and dense satellite data assimilation in the global NICAM-LETKF model

    RIKEN and ALE Co Ltd project 2022-2025 (PI: Dr. Takemasa Miyoshi)

    I am a researcher in this project.